I've been using your course on Udemy for several very long hours since I bought it on Saturday, and I'm still experiencing several major problems:
- For the "Animated Line", the points of the animated curve do not correspond with the dates placed on the axis at the bottom. I've had a look, and the problem is also visible on your videos. It's very problematic: it makes this module unusable, except for entertaining children... Apart from that, is it possible to change the size of the points?
- For the Bar Charts module: how can I change the color of the bars that move in the middle of the chart? How can I change the value assigned to them? How do you set the thousands separator?
I've had a good look at your pdf guide, but it's not very clear, and I found more information by browsing the code on your GitHub.
Thank you,
The latest version of the software (v0.0.12) has the x-axis labels now aligned to the data
Good point about the years not being in sync with the dates. The reason this happens is that the y-ticks are equally spaced and behind the scenes an actual date is choosen in the given year, for example 2012 is displayed on the y-axis but, this could be the 1st of January or the 27th of July or any other date during that year. You can see this if you change the "time_indicator" to "day" or "month". But I will create a GitHub issue so that if only years are displayed on the axis that the script will sync the ticks to the data points.
Regarding not drawing the points at all. There is a an optional argument you can set when creating the line_graph to not draw the these points. Just set "draw_points" to False.
Thanks for the feedback and hope this helps.
Hi Victor,
Thank you for your questions.
I am not entirly sure what you mean by the dates do not correspond to the dates on the axis. When only using years in your data file, the script will convert that to the 31st of December of that year. If that is not what you want you can set it to the first of that year manually by providing the full date in your data file.
For the bar charts, at the moment the ticks for the bar chart are determined automatically by the script. I do admit, some improvements are needed there, and I will be working on that soon. At the moment these things can't be set in your main script. You would need to take a deep dive in BarRace.py and find the bar_stripes class. There you can set the color, size, and formatting. But please keep in mind that if you make changes to the script and you update it at some point that these changes will be overwritten. So do take a backup.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,